● Introduction
● Sources of suggestions
● Suggestions Adopted by Olight
● Opinions and Suggestions are welcomed
I. Introduction
Olight has always been committed to listening to our customers and creating the best experience for them. Olight will publish a blog every month to give feedback on customer suggestions and opinions. This is the implementation of Olight's corporate philosophy and strategy of "customer-centricity".
II、Sources of Suggestions
We collected customers’ suggestions from email, live chat, and social media platforms. After recording and analyzing them, we published the feedback in a timely manner. Here are the two surveys and feedback we posted in April.
1) April Satisfaction Survey
2) Poll on Areas You’d Like Olight to Focus on
III. Suggestions Adopted by Olight
We adopted 21 suggestions from our customers. For more details, please check the Links to Feedback in the sheet above.
i. Product:
1. Design a Oknife with a serrated blad.
2. Improve white light and laser in an upgraded Arkfeld.
3. Plan to design a mini Obulb.
4. Design a cracked brass product.
5. Design a Mini Arkfeld flashlight.
6. Develop a upgraded version of the Arkfeld without the spotlight.
7. Design a Warrior X series product and will be a trial product this year.
8. Plan to design an upgraded version of Baton with different emitter option.
9. Design an upgraded version of i3T that will be compatible with 10440 rechargeable lithium batteries and is expected to be launched this year.
10. Consider adding floodlights to the high beams of the upgraded Marauder mini.
11. Plan to develop the non-momentary red/green dot sight.
12. Design a new magnetic related product.
13. Consider design an upgraded version of Perun 2 Mini with red light lower than 40 lumens and white light higher than 70 lumens.
ii. Olight Store:
1. Have a plan to upgrade our UI page and optimize website services.
2. Optimize the prompts that pop up.
3. Put limits on products during the sale in May.
iii. Service:
1. An order/account can only receive one piece of swag.
2. Make improvements in customer call service.
3. Consider making some 16th Anniversary Coins to put in the Redemption Zone.
4. Consider issuing coupons of different amounts to members of different levels.
IV. Logistics:
We apologize for the bad shipping experience. We added engraving machines in the VA warehouse in April so that the engraving orders can be sent from VA. And we increased the proportion of orders packed in boxes, which may result in a decrease in shipping speed. We will make reasonable plans in the future to ensure that orders are delivered as soon as possible and improve the shipping experience. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
IV. Opinions and Suggestions are welcomed
We sincerely invite all of you to join in and follow our improvements. We welcome any opinions and suggestions, simply send an email to or contact any Olight representative on Olight’s official social media platforms. We will follow up, listen to your suggestions, and implement improvements.
Let’s conquer the darkness and proudly light up the world, anytime, anywhere!